Thursday, August 25, 2011

The story

 I woke up last Saturday morning to a beautiful day. The sun was shining...the coffee bags packed. No, I wasn't going out of town...I just had a photo shoot. I hate to admit it, but I was not wanting to go. I wanted to stay home with my kids...enjoy one of the last free Saturday's we had, but I loaded those bags up in my car and went.

As I'm driving along, I start to think about my I even do what I do. I would never have imagined a year ago when I got my camera that I would be where I am today.  That I would have shot the images that I have...that I would have invested in people the way that I have. I am by no means the best photographer nor do I know enough about the camera...but there is something there when I pull that image up to edit it that speaks to me...there's a story behind every shot.

I have been privileged to shoot families that have their arms so full, that love just that have personality just exploding out of them...seniors that are on the cusp of that next stage in life...couples waiting to be married and so in love...families fighting cancer...children celebrating I can't tell you the amount of times I pull a picture up and tears come to my eyes. Not because I'm blown away by my photography, it's the story that gets me every time...

Here are a few of those stories...

A family that centers their homes around Jesus...and music...

A little boy that just got his "magic ears" and was so proud to wear them...

A young lady anticipating her final year of high school...

A baby just starting out in life...

A family fighting cancer together...rallying around...supporting...loving...

A family that has dealt with loss and ailing parents...and yet, there's joy...

A look so deep into a little girls eyes, that she speaks volumes without a word...
(taken by my crazy talented husband)

A country...oh, a country that I have grown to love, yet never even breathed it's air...
(taken by my crazy talented husband)

Brothers and Sisters...

A tender touch between a mom and her son...a simple gesture of love...

The kids...oh, the kids...their peronalities coming out when no one is watching...catching the essence of who they are with the click of the camera...

And the faces...they speak to me the most...and I tell you, it's forever changed me...forever.

I am looking forward to learning as much as I can about my some classes...but I pray that the technical side of photography never takes the place of the story.  Yes, there is always a story to be told.

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