Update on the Blazi's....so much to say...so little time!!!!

So, here is the latest in the Blazi world. We just got back from our retreat to Panama City Beach and wow what a great one it was. Ric preached in the evening services and some of our youth leaders taught classes in the morning. I think the kids really learned a lot and grew in their faith. I enjoy our teenagers so much...what great kids they are. We also got to spend time with our good friends from Florida, Gerald and Tammy! He did the music for us. There are some people that you just genuinely love being around, that make you laugh...well that is Gerald and Tammy. He even knows about PeePee Johnson! Overall it was a great trip, but boy am I tired. We took the kids for the first time and I had to travel back and forth from the camp to our condo. Poor little Jesse went everywhere I went and he was just the best little boy ever. Charlie, Addie, and Shelby swam so much...Pops and Nemaw may not get in a pool for a while. Charlie and Addie are swimming so good. I am blown away at how good they are at things that they really work at. Shelby enjoyed the pool too. She was swimming all over it before weeks end(in her swimmies of course)! Glad to be home in our own beds but we miss the pool. Maybe it will rain really hard one day and our back yard will fill up and we could swim in that...nah!

Well Shelby is finally going to get her cast off this week. She so broke her arm a few weeks ago and had to have a cast put on it. A pink one to boot! So weird right, I have never even had a broken bone...poor Shelbs. She has handled it like a trooper though...hey, she has a new weapon and might I add that she has used it many times!

Charlie lost his two front teeth...too bad Christmas is six months off! He looks so cute and was super excited about it. Getting two bucks helped too. He is a hoot an growing up way too fast.

Addie is turning into such a beautiful young lady. She is so excited when she learns how to do something on her own. They had a tv in her room at the beach and she figured out how to use the remote. She had that thing in her hand the whole trip. Changing channels and the volume. She was extremely proud of herself. She is a blessing.

Jesse is rolling over. Stop...hold the phone! My baby, my last baby is already rolling over. I wish I could stop time for just a little while. My heart aches when I think that I will never do this again. That he is the last baby of mine that I will hold and rock, that I will smell that sweet baby smell on, that I will get up blindly in the middle of the night to find a lost noonie(Paci), that I will sing too, that I will nurse, that I will pray over...oh the list will go on! I praise God that He let me do this four times....my life is definitely moving in a different direction. It is no longer about when we will have our next child, no more ultrasounds, no more C-sections, no more maternity clothes,. no more swollen ankles, no more baby kicks....it is now about shaping these little lives into Godly young men and ladies. I am sad that I will never do that part of motherhood again. I am sad that I will never hold a newborn baby in my arms, but I am excited about the journey ahead. Everyone asks if I am done...I so wish in my heart that I wasn't...but know in my head that I am. Four is plenty...my quiver is full. Plus Ric would kill me if I got pregnant again :)!

Now I will have to hold the newborn babies of my sister in laws...we can't wait to meet them all one day...in God's perfect timing.

It is the final countdown...Kelly is getting married in 2 months and I have 20 pounds to loose...can I do it. So hope so! I am in training(sort of)! If I could just have Bob from the Biggest Loser come live with us I know I would be ripped by her wedding day....I wonder if he makes house calls???!!! I will keep you posted...that is if anyone ever reads this!!!