Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Radical Chapter 3

I'm an under liner. When I read I underline stuff....and sometimes I even star a sentence. As I was looking back through my chapter tonight I noticed something funny...almost(and by that I mean all but a few) every sentence I underlined had the word power in it. This chapter resonated God's power. The first sentence I marked was this one "The question for us, then, is whether we trust in His power..."

Do I trust in His power? Anybody else out there sometimes feel like they try to do things in their own power...even "stuff" we do for God? Reading this chapter...after just recently teaching "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan, was a fresh reminder of where my power comes from. I was reminded afresh and anew of how God gave me, a unlikely girl, His power so it is clear to those around me who deserves the glory for the success that takes place.

What do you think of when I say the word power? Do you think of the thing that makes your lights come on at home...that makes your car go...that keeps that laptop up and humming? Do we think about God? The power of God is so much greater than our minds can even fathom...yet we don't trust it. Platt says this "the gospel beckons us to die to ourselves and to believe in God and trust in His power" . Jesus tells us that "apart from me you can do nothing"...so then why do I try to do it in my own power so many times? Why does the church today try to "do church" on their own power? Have we forgotten the Holy Spirit completely? Am I dependent on my self or am I desperate for His spirit?

I have read many a story in scripture where men of God were put in positions so that God's power was magnified. I love the way Platt described Joshua and how God exalted his inability's. Here we have Joshua on the outside of Jericho and God is going to give Joshua the plans for the battle...he's waiting for a grand plan...a stoic plan...and he gets "walk around the city walls for six days and then on the seventh walk seven times and then blow your horns." I bet Joshua thought it was a weird plan...Platt even says that he probably wanted a second opinion. I laughed at that one because that is so something I would have done. You see I doubt His plan...His purpose...His power. When Joshua won the battle, it was clear to all those around that God was the one with the power...He got all the glory for what happened...not an army! God continually puts us in situations where we come face to face with our need for Him. I think my favorite quote was "He puts his people in positions where they are desperate for his power, and then he shows his provision in ways that display his greatness".

After reading this I questioned my life and if I had ever truly allowed God to make Himself known through my life. Is His greatness evident? Had I ever been so desperate for Him...desperate for His power 'cause I just couldn't do it alone? Yeah there are instances...but I don't want instances anymore. I am not satisfied with just sometimes relying on His power...or only relying on His power when I truly need Him. I want to live in the Spirit...make Him known through my life...my weakness...my inabilities. I am no longer content with self sufficiency(which is funny because that is what we teach our kids) or being self dependent. I want to be desperate for His Spirit, and I want my family to live in desperation...as well as my church. So now I will plead...plead for Him to show up in a might way...to show me His power...my weakness...so that I can see His purpose through it all! There is power, power, wonder working power...

I’m joining in the Radical Read Along over at www.MarlaTaviano.com. Come on over...

1 comment:

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I love how many people are using song lyrics to express their thoughts on this chapter..and that is a song I hadn't heard in a long time! Praying for you!